Talk to an expert

Whether you like numbers or not, numbers can and do tell everything about your business. Numbers tell you whether your business is growing or not, if you are moving into the right direction or not and helps one decide if it is time for expansion or not.

Consulting following your monthly bookkeeping is the analysis of your numbers.

  • How well is the company doing?
  • Is the budget set in tact?
  • Should adjustments be made?
  • Is the Cash in the bank really profit?
  • Is the advertising working?

Numbers talk, Elite will help you interpret exactly what your numbers are saying!

Allow the Queen “B” to help you do what you do, BETTER!

About Elite Expert Business Solutions

“While good business ideas are plentiful, many entrepreneurs struggle to understand payroll taxes, health care and other thorny issues…In other words, they don’t have the financial literacy to scale their businesses and attract investors.”  THIS QUOTE WAS TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM Shark Tank Entrepreneur, Daymond John and Founder of FUBU, titled the Number 1 thing Entrepreneurs need.  This quote says it all. It’s amazing to hear a billionaire speak your vision, your thoughts, something you’ve been saying to people and doing for years!

You cannot perform, sell or promote a service that you do not respect.  Most CPA’s (and I’ve worked for several) do not understand the importance or respect bookkeeping services. Their lack of understanding was definitely going to hinder their ability to promote the services. All of these thoughts and actions lead to the birth of Elite Expert Business Solutions.

I began over twelve years ago.  I was working for a CPA firm.  I watched, listened and coached many entrepreneurs and small business owners that left the CPA’s office with a folder of information; that told them nothing. They didn’t understand the terminology used by the CPA which meant they understood very little about their tax return and/or how well their business performed for the year.  The CPA usually spoke to them about their business from the perspective of performing taxes, and while tax saving is productive; it wasn’t exactly what the small business owners were seeking.  Most had waited an entire year to find out how well he or she performed in their business.  The CPA felt that he provided were they were looking for and the clients felt they did not.  I had a couple of clients that suggested I go into business for myself. That same CPA took me to a conference designed to boost business for CPA’s where the director of the seminar was encouraging these CPA’s to build their businesses by offering bookkeeping services. Now I did not agree with the methods of outsourcing overseas, but I did agree with offering bookkeeping services. I listened as each, CPA, listed reasons to NOT offer bookkeeping services. The room of CPA Professionals found it difficult to see the value in those services. When I had the opportunity, I asked a question that silence the room of CPA’s; I asked them, “did any of them know exactly how much money they made last year?” The room was silent for nearly five minutes and one of them finally begin mumbling to answer. Most of them, said, they could estimate how much they earned.  None of them wanted to take that annual amount and break it down into hourly rates. Now what struck me the most was that each of the CPA’s paid to be in the room, they invested money to learn how to make more money, but neither of them knew how much money that had already made!  For me that spoke volumes! You cannot perform, sell or promote a service that you do not respect.  Most CPA’s (and I’ve worked for several since then) do not understand the importance or respect bookkeeping services. Their lack of understanding was prohibited their ability to promote much needed services.

Recognizing the need for bookkeeping services, encouraged by clients, friends and strangers who required my services; Elite Expert Business Solutions was birthed.  

My experience as an employee for years in diverse industries; afforded me working knowledge, leadership skills that benefit clients of Elite Expert Business Solutions.  Our niche’ lies in developing and implementing systems.  Good business begins and ends with good books! Good books begin with bookkeeping.  Recording, monitoring and analyzing the revenues, expenses of your business, providing accurate numbers in a timely fashion and compiling reports as tools for business improvements.  From business plans to daily operations, Elite Expert Business Solutions critical analysis and consulting services, protects, guides and improves your company’s performance.

      Signed………………..The Queen “B” of Doing Business Better