I write and discuss money quite a bit and for a southern girl, that’s not the cutest thing or part of our southern charm so to speak.  However, it is very necessary!  First and foremost, money is MY BUSINESS! As the Queen “B” of doing Business Better, LLC, money is what I do!  It’s the way I assist my clients in having better business by having good books!  So discussing money has become second nature.  Secondly, the ability to discuss money is crucial for a business person of any caliber!  You can never secure multi-million dollar deals if you are afraid to discuss money!  You can’t have a business or own a business if you are afraid, timid or uncomfortable discussing money!

As children, we find it easy to ask for money or things.  As one grows, becomes more independent, asking for money is frowned on and in some cases, discussing money period is treated as ‘taboo’.  The request that were once granted with little to no hesitation become an interrogation and then it is still uncertain if the request will be filled.

This topic is very broad so as with most of my posts, this is only a beginning.  Personally, asking for money at a certain age is intimidating, however, there isn’t a person that I know who hasn’t had to ask about money or for money before!  We have all had hard times, times where one was less productive and the lack of productivity lead to one being in need.  It’s not until you are the one requesting that you understand the church saying; “it is more blessed to give than to receive”.   Indeed it is!  As the giver, you have and therefore are able to give, but to be the recipient or the one in need, places a level of vulnerability on the individual that can be shameful and embarrassing.  It often leads or allows people aka ‘the givers’ the boldness to ask questions concerning the recipient, very personal questions.   I’ve been both the giver and the receiver and I’m telling you, I like being the giver more and to that point most would agree!

In business, one would assume that you don’t have to ask for money that people pay what they owe and I do wish it was that simple.  The discussions over how much one charges, the negotiating and then even down to receipt of payment is never as simple as it should be.  Providing professional bookkeeping, I see this quite often with entrepreneurs/business owners and delayed payment of invoices stifles cash flow severely!  A small business owner can quickly be pushed out of business when invoices aren’t paid in a timely fashion.  When payment schedules are broken that entrepreneur/small business owner quickly becomes a collector and in most cases, it is the thing he or she hates the most.  NO ONE ENJOYS COLLECTING MONEY, I don’t think anyway, but when you have performed a service and haven’t been compensated for that service, it is easy to become a collector.

Money is a subject that cannot be avoided and although society would have one think less of his or herself for discussing that subject the absence of the discussion leaves people vulnerable to never understanding it at all.  Money alone does nothing but money in anyone’s hands affords them a power to obtain, gain or negotiate for things desired or needed.  Whether the money is used appropriately is a discussion for another date, but without money options are limited.

What’s your money conversation level?  How much do you understand about money? 

IF you walked into the New Year expecting to be prosperous, I hope you also understood the importance of being able to discuss money without being embarrassed.  IF you don’t know, keep reading, you will gain perspective if nothing else.