Business owner, individual, church leaders, LEND ME YOUR EARS! It’s late in the game but together we can do it!
We’re practically in December which means two things: 1) Christmas and 2) New Year’s! The pressure is on to begin planning for a prosperous New Year, a change, an improvement, increase, better, more and the list goes on & on; however, isn’t it a little late to begin preparing for this flood of greatness? YESSSSUS and No!
Honestly, a great management team would begin the planning for the next year in September at the latest and would maintain this tradition. Most people find planning that early unpredictable and unreliable but it is because they do not have the tools necessary to do the planning. Planning for the future means having a handle, an idea of the past! From having a budget, setting a budget, watching that budget and maintaining numbers to determine if that budget has been met and if not, how far the numbers are; all crucial when planning for the future!
Business man/woman, Entrepreneur, you need your numbers for 2018, so that you can forecast 2019. How will you improve on numbers you do not know?
Churches, Non-profits, how well one year closes can and will determine how strong the New Year will open. Did you experience a lull in giving, if so, when? What month? Was there a major disaster in your community that required more resources? How were jobs in your area? How do you decide what programs to implement, which programs were not successful and areas for improvement?
For everything done there must be a Spiritual Goal, a Financial Goal, a Social Goal and then how can one event, program or project feed to the next. Can we build our fellowship? Did we impact Community?
Don’t begin the New Year with false hope, false expectations because you haven’t bothered to review, understand, inspect and know how well you did or didn’t do in the year before! There is nothing wrong with celebrating the expectancy of the New Year, but doing so without processing the past or handling things that can be done better in the future isn’t wisdom at all, heck it is isn’t a goal, it is a crazy wish with a child-like mindset.
It’s the 4th Quarter and many are those who have prepared better but that doesn’t mean it’s too late. It’s better to recognize you need the information and pursue it than to just wait and hope to do better next year! GET IN THE KNOW!
- Meet with a Consultant for improvement of procedures, structure, records
- Recapture this year’s information now! Make it a priority
- Reflect on each project of 2018 – list areas of strengths and weaknesses
- Evaluate personnel including yourself to see where and just how things can be done better!
- Now take the evaluation above and see just what it cost you or what you gained by handling things in the manner you did. Did you make costly mistakes? Was there money mismanaged and the effects of the mis-managed funds lingering?
- If money, time was mis-managed, how can it be handled in the future?
- What is the recovery plan for the future? For every mistake, there is always a recovery plan and period, know it and follow it!
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