There’s A Difference Between Performing A Task and A Professional Service Provider!

Knowing Business is KEY!


People can be taught or trained to do a lot of things. So a person without a background in a field can be taught how to perform a task.  For example, a person can be trained on the proper way to answer or handle the phone system for a company; that doesn’t mean that the individual is or has administrative skills.  He or she may perform well the task taught but the natural abilities that flow with that position will be things one has to learn daily, it may never become natural.  Let’s go further, an administrator or person with administrative skills, would organize things in a certain way and understand the unwritten rules that accommodate the task of monitoring the phone system.  He or she would be proficient in communicating the right message to the recipients on the phone as well as protecting and respecting the boundaries and limits of co-workers and superiors.  Multi-tasking accommodates a receptionist position, sorting of mail, delivering messages, greeting customers, clients and vendors with accurate responds, scheduling of meetings and the list could go on.  Now an admin would expect and anticipate all of those duties to accommodate answering the phone but a person being taught to do a task, may not and in most cases wouldn’t know.

The same goes for the financial task associated with a business.  A tax company may know how to file, calculate or process payroll but lack the information/knowledge as how to perform the task efficiently, effectively and sufficiently for the small business owner.  He or she will do the duties asked without providing additional information, best proven results or ways to improve.  

You get what you pay for!  You can either pay for a service or hire a proven professional to assist you in building your dream company.  Go with the professional the first time! Running a successful business is no place to begin cutting corners and hiring or employing the services of the wrong people. 

Forego the person hired to do a task and get the professional that understand the task, strategy and structure for business.