When people hear the words, Business Consulting, Business Coaching and even Life Coaching; diverse emotions emerge.  Some people are proud, inspired and excited about coaching while others view it as a waste of time, energy and money.  However, it’s about your view.  How do you see it?  What’s your vision?  How well do you see?

There is vision and there is vision.  One of them is given to most people, eye sight. The vision described and discussed here is about your ability to see, navigate and direct your future.  Not everyone has vision, not everyone is a visionary.  Visionaries are weird people.  Yes, after the vision is operating and successful, we call them heroes, we place the title of visionary on their shoulders proudly and we hail them as successful, forerunners and the like.  However, before they are a public success, they are private failures (or so it would appear) as they place time, effort, resources into ideas and concepts that aren’t even accepted or in motion by regular society.   So they aren’t popular, they are not running or living in the mainstream of life/lifestyle.  Those visionaries are titled: eccentric, different, a little crazy, dreamers; just to name a few.  Those people build and introduce society to something new. 

Visionaries have to be careful when sharing their thoughts and plans so as to not divulge too much information for risk of it being shared before time or stolen and yet to discuss it with it a consultant, preferably a business consultant with specialties in the financial areas, to assist with structure of the business, financial structure, systems for billing and collecting, strategies for building, budgeting, the addition of personnel, break-even points; again to just name a few of the key areas.  It is a mistake to not include consulting.  As a visionary, you will always see the larger picture however; it will require assistance making the thousands of small decisions that lead to the success of that BIG PICTURE.  It requires people driven like you but skilled in other areas: finance, marketing, PR, administration and more.  You’ll need a team of experts that often think differently than yourself to complete the circle of influence and give your vision its greatest chance at being successful.

When a visionary feels that consulting/coaching is unnecessary it will take longer to achieve the goals for the vision because he or she will be wearing hats that do not display his or her strengths and the time wasted doing things that could be outsourced to other entrepreneurs/small businesses. 

It depends on how you see it.  Are you that person who trusts no one to work with you?  If so, scale back on your dreams and the big picture.  You, alone, are definitely a limited resource and can only do limited things.  Corporations, large business, people with real visions always know, anticipate and prepare to hire others or leverage their time by employing others to work and bring their dream to fruition.  It’s called creating JOBS!  The best visionaries/business men and women hire experts in the field needed and are not intimidated by their knowledge but rather gleam and grow from it.

So how do you see yourself Entrepreneur/Small Businessman or woman?  Are you struggling because of the things you don’t know?  Have you found yourself about to give up on your vision?  Do you know what you made last year?  What’s the budget for next year?  Besides increasing revenue do you have a specific strategy for success?  Let’s unroll your vision and turn it into an active operating vision of success.

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