As the entrepreneur, business owner, visionary, your goal, your vision is that talent and/or gift that drove you into business.  Whether you make jewelry, coordinative fabulous events, providing marketing services etc.; whatever you do, that’s your gift, your focus and your goal.  You’ll spend hours making sure that you find your niche’ because that’s what every consultant will tell you, find what makes your business stand out.  That’s excellent advice too.  Any potential problems or things that could go wrong, you’ll spend time looking for those small errors because you want your business to grow and become successful.  All of that is great but those are not the only things that can go wrong for your business.

What about ‘how’ you conduct business?  When do you invoice?  Should you collect a deposit on orders?  Surely no one will request something and not pay?  How much should you pay yourself each week? Ah, no worries, you have some money saved up right?  How long will it last?  Well you built the business so people will come right? Yes but when?  How much does it cost to provide the services you provide?  Are you charging enough, not enough or too much?  Should people pay immediately or how much time do you give them?  How do you draw up a contract to protect yourself?  Do you have a lawyer and if so, can you afford to pay him a retainer?  What about the months you do not need him?  Which costs are necessary upfront and which are not?  Did you I could really go on for hours on the questions, the situations that as an entrepreneur you can and will encounter for which you are not prepared or may not have considered.

That doesn’t mean you aren’t equipped to do business and that’s not a sign to throw in the towel. It means you really should invest into a consultant.  It means you must seek out individuals that compliment your vision, exceed your knowledge in other areas and are trustworthy enough to work with your company and grow with your company.  It means that you may not have all the answers; however, you are smart enough to seek the answers from qualified people.  Many are the entrepreneurs doing business any kind of way with limited to horrible results.  Some choose and seek family members to pay that do not have the knowledge needed to elevate their business others would rather pretend to know because admitting that they do not know is embarrassing for them.  Then you have those who focus just on making the money but aren’t able to move forward, gain investors, expand, get a loan or anything.  It’s like being stuck in one place, not broke at the moment but not able to turn that moment into a lifestyle of financial independence and freedom. 

How you do business IS EVERYTHING!  Your systems for receiving money and distributing it tell people everything that you don’t want them to know about you as a businessman or woman.  Systems must be in place, checks and balances, balancing and managing of time and money; otherwise the business you once dreamed about will become your nightmare.

A good consultant will help you implement the right systems for your business based on your unique business.  Please understand to do business better will require a great sacrifice from you, the entrepreneur you should expect nothing less.   Your consultant will challenge your views on your business and the perception you have of yourself verses the perception that other business leaders, clients, have of you which is important.  He or she will challenge where you spend your time and why.  All of these steps help to improve:

  1. Cash Flow for your company
  2. Your company’s ability to grow and expand
  3. Attracting of investors
  4. Improve your profits
  5. Maintain your stability

Help you as the entrepreneur improve and attain financial stability for both yourself and the business
Ensure that your company has a future (longevity)  I’ve said it before you cannot fudge, makeup numbers and fool people into thinking you’re successful and at the same time you can make lots of money and still not qualify for loans; car loans, home loans, business loans etc…  Everything in your company must be organized, methodical, intended, deliberate and accurate.   For some people that’s really difficult, especially with finances as we tend to bring in our own personal habits with money into the business we birth. 

Every successful business owner, large corporations all grow and expand due to their ability to employ and add to their team.  They seek out the right candidates to help them build their vision!  They do not do it alone nor based on just their own knowledge, but they build and teach people their vision and hire others to carry it out!  You can do the same.

Elite Expert Business Solutions provides quality bookkeeping services and consulting design to help the entrepreneur grow and development in a full company and business owner.  Elite is equipped to turn what once was a hustle in your legacy.  From implementing of systems for the purpose of tracking all revenues, to system for paying all accounts payables, even setting up the entrepreneur a salary so that he or she doesn’t eat up profits from the business; Elite ensures that you can visually see and understand how well your company is doing or not and the areas for improvement.

Consulting is an asset to any entrepreneur.  There is nothing that he or she should be ashamed of or neither should he or she ignore the need for a consultant.  The right consultant will ensure you understand everything, show you the numbers, explain to you solutions, accept diverse opinions and grow with your company.  You cannot afford to continue down the path you are on, allow Elite Expert to work with you, in building your business and taking it to the next level.

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