I say it and I will continue to say it, time alone does nothing but record the second, minutes and hours of a day turned to week, month and then year.  It is how well one uses his or her time, the quality of time spent and the return on the investment of time that counts.  There are only 24 hours in a day and balance is the key if one expects to live to the fullest!

You can’t be everywhere at the same time, you cannot be all things to all people and you cannot successfully do everything in your business and be a success.  If it takes a village to raise a child, then you must at least have a team to make your business a success!

I know too many entrepreneurs trying to take classes in business and accounting which means spending a few hours of their day in a classroom and another few hours each day studying to learn things that keep them away from exercising their gift!  Your gift is your niche; you know your business, your money-maker!   To take time away from doing the thing that makes you money to learn something else that earns you no money isn’t wise.  It’s the cost of opportunity.  As an entrepreneur moving time away from the opportunity to gain more business to a cost of learning or performing a task is a major turn in the wrong direction.

As a professional bookkeeper and tax preparer, I’ve seen and heard almost everything!  I have heard the horror stories, I’ve heard of the preparers (even CPA’s) who lead their clients in the wrong direction, I’ve learned of missed opportunities due to poor cash flow and lack of understanding the financials that entrepreneurs pay for; so I get it.  For over twenty years, I’ve worked in the field of Accounting and my specialty lies in the ability to provide excellent, timely, accurate knowledge to the entrepreneur about his or her business in the language that speaks directly and exclusively to them for the purpose of enhancing his or her business.  For the last ten years, I’ve performed those functions as an entrepreneur myself.

Don’t try to do it all, it’s impossible however, it is crucial that you understand every aspect of your business especially the support functions like accounting and human resources as they can greatly affect your livelihood, but going back to school is not your only option.

A large part of what I do is consulting.  It’s my job to not only provide accurate and timely numbers but to explain them and discuss the information with my clients.  This is known as the “money minutes” call.  Each client upon receiving his or her monthly financials is encouraged and required to take minutes (based on client need) to discuss what they have received, answer any questions and provide the consulting necessary for the business to grow.  NO question is dumb question, and every question thought should be asked.  Elite also specializes in providing management reports that give the entrepreneur a bird’s eye view of his company and the things he or she needs to know to operate a profitable business.   Too often reports are given from the financial aspects only which are used to attract investors and for tax purposes, which is good in its place, however, Elite provides both!

  • Use your time wisely and profitable.
  • Separate the opportunities you need to seize vs tasks that need to be completed
  • Consulting with a financial advisor (Elite Expert) can be the difference between remaining an entrepreneur overworked and underpaid vs moving into business ownership employing others, managing the company and leveraging your time wisely.
  • You will not have a greater 2018 if you use the same ideas, concepts and thoughts as you did last year
  • Time alone does nothing but how well you manage your time will determine how great your return on it shall be

Get out of your own way; call the Queen “B” of doing business better today!