Starting your business was your dream, your baby so I completely understand guarding it with your life.  When you begin making money it is easy, natural and understandable to keep that money for yourself.  Afterall, the goal was for a better life for your family, right?  RIGHT! 

The problem is that no man is an island.  You cannot and will not make it to the next level of your business operating alone.  There is a maximum that any one person can do or accomplish alone.  Once that’s reached, that’s it!  The other side is that YOU, THE ENTREPRENEUR, THE ONE WHO MADE IT HAPPEN CANNOT REST!  Remember, everything you built is centered around and based on you; the owner, the president, the entrepreneur, the one-stop shop, THE MAN or WOMAN!  So after working tirelessly to build your dream, the lack of thinking further will be the reason your dream can become your nightmare.

Wouldn’t that be the worse to reach a goal of success, change your lifestyle and expectation of better only to realize that the better lifestyle doesn’t include room for vacations, family time or retirement? 

Effective bookkeeping is the method guaranteed to provide one with methods for strategic planning & evaluating of systems, and finances.  The implementation of a personal salary and budget for a competent staff.  Taking your business to the next level in every aspect.  Providing a business model that protects your family and your business as it grows!

Do not continue a solo act and expect corporate growth.

Call me, 214-930-5986.