Emotional health, mental health, social health, physical health and even spiritual health are all connected to your financial health!  It sounds harsh, rude and maybe shallow but it is true!  When one in evolving financially or financially sound (regardless as to how long it last) for that season in a person’s life, he or she is happier, more optimistic changing or improving one’s social interaction, emotional stability, and even improving the soundness of mind.

Finances have a way of making one feel empowered and enthusiastic.  Money carries a spirit. That’s why it is more fluid in those whom have learned to master it and that spirit it carries.  Think about it! I’m a people watcher and in the stores you can see the power, confidence on people as they shop or you can see the lack of it (power and confidence).  If you look closely you can tell people that are going into debt to shop during holidays and those who have planned for the expense and are doing it effortlessly.  You know the person out to eat in the group that may or may not have the money to pay versus those that have no doubt.

Budgeting is just one way to tame the spirit on money! To fight the urgency to release it before it’s time! Budgeting is the art of designating funds to one place over the other place.  It’s means dedicating money for savings even when you aren’t sure why you are saving.  It means refusing to spend all that you take in. Believe it or not budgeting, places greater value on the money you receive and positions a person to receive more of it (money). 

Most people think that the other side of money is having sooo much money that they don’t have to count it. WHY?!!!! I have no idea why because there is no such thing as not counting your money! There is never a time, excuse or reason to not count your money ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not counting it is a sure way to lose it!  The ‘other side’ of money is when you understand it, how to retain it and change your view of it that you create and recreate money-making strategies over and over again. When a person continues to build and create financial streams in multiple areas, that’s the real other side of money!

Remember, budgeting isn’t about restrictions as much as it is about creating opportunities and too much money in direction can and will stifle another.

HAPPY FINANCIAL 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!