Wouldn’t it be great if people would just randomly tell you things?  Wouldn’t it be awesome if people with information read your mind, knew the things you were contemplating and randomly provided their thoughts without you having to engage, ask, or inquire?  Needing knowledge is intimidating.  You never really know how you will be perceived by your loved ones, friends or co-workers.  You never know how they will think about you or toward you based on the questions you ask.  It’s weird, we never want to be judged, but we find it easy to judge when we’re in the seat of power.  I’ve been guilty and then I had to repent!  Yes I had to reevaluate the way I thought and my expectations of others realizing that for me to have a business it required people to need the knowledge I posse!  So the next time you look at someone and their knowledge isn’t on your level just know that’s your area and their lack of knowledge is your opportunity (not to prey) but to gain respectfully.  (knowledge nugget)

It doesn’t matter where your inability manifest, it is intimidating to inquire with others about the things you do not know.  I know absolutely nothing about hair! I cannot do my own well at all!  When I attempt to do so, you can definitely tell! (I haven’t done that in about 7 years)  I know less about wigs n weaves.  I love the looks and from time-to-time find myself in need without knowledge.  Asking is worse because I know so little, I have no idea what to ask!  However, I have a great hair stylist who knows how to take care of my hair, my scalp, and style me without little input from me.  It does require me to engage (setting the appointments), communication (letting her know of changes that are occurring with me; example: when I had surgery but required a perm shortly thereafter) and consistency from me in attending.  So while I don’t have to do a lot, it’s enough for me to receive the help I need. 

Likewise, increasing your financial literacy and thereby increasing your net worth, financial well-being requires something from you. 

(1) Stop being embarrassed about what you don’t know!  NO ONE KNOWS EVERYTHING! Whether you are seeing a CPA annually or have graduated to understanding you need a general physician (BOOKKEEPER) as well as a specialist (CPA), ask questions!  It’s better to ask and be a little embarrassed than to act like you know and be broke and very embarrassed.  Even in my profession, there is always new knowledge for me to gain! I find myself having to research things: inquire about new laws, enroll in refresher courses to remain top notch with the services I provide!  It’s that way for any professional! ASK! ASK! ASK! 

(2) BE HONEST!  After asking, don’t pretend to understand anything, either you get it or you need clarity.  In my case, when it’s a subject I’m unsure about, I’ll tell the instructor explain it to me like I’m a kid.  It’s my way of giving them permission to break it down!  Instructors, like myself with finances, want and give respect.  We will only be basic when given permission.  I tend to watch or listen for reactions from my clients or potential clients.  If I sense that I’ve said something that they do not understand, then I’m quickly explaining and letting them know that they can stop me if I get too basic and that my goal is NOT to belittle them.  Once receiving information don’t walk away until you gain a full understanding! 

(3) Accept that every level of growth and increase is accompanied by new opportunities and new problems!  It’s common!  When we think of increase; we don’t typically think of problems.  Increased wealth just looks good and seems to feel good!  I mean how many times have you examined the wealthy from afar and thought to yourself: ‘they don’t have any problems.’  If they could hear your thoughts, they would laugh!  They don’t have your problems but they have their own!  More money, more material things equal more problems, it’s an unbreakable equation.  There’s more to manage, more to be a good steward over, more to be concerned about and one becomes a target to more people!  As you build for your family, as you grow that business, always think, prepare your mind that having more requires more thought, systems and structure.  Be ready, think ahead.  Get your mind ready for what’s to come. 

(4) NEVER STOP LEARNING!  I have to be honest I was guilty of committing this one about two years ago.  I was in a stagnant place with my business.  I had knowledge under my belt but stop learning the new things and methods of doing business as a bookkeeper that was emerging.  I paid the price too!  I missed opportunities because I was unwilling to engage in a potential opportunity that I didn’t think I would like.  When I decided to learn and become certified in the area, opportunities emerged and more importantly, I was better for the clients I had and better for the potentials to come!  It doesn’t matter where what stage you are in personally or professionally, you need knowledge a consistent flow of it for each level!  Knowledge is responsibility and applied knowledge is power!

You cannot operate today with the knowledge and literacy you had as a child playing the game of Monopoly! There are some great takeaways from that game but we’ve grown up now!  Instead of ‘play money’, it’s real money!  You’re closer to really needing to understand retirement!  You need plans for the future!  Don’t stop now, increase your knowledge!

ENTREPRENEUR! It’s okay! You began your business based on YOUR GIFT, YOUR KNOWLEDGE! The financial portion of it, means outsourcing (in the United States, saving jobs and supporting small businesses) to companies just like Elite Expert Business Solutions! 

“I’m never intimidated by explaining to my clients what I do and the need for the services provided!  There is always a money meeting dedicated to answering questions, reviewing reports, discussing systems, structure, budgets and business forecasts.  When the client knows where he or she is financially, they will do more business and in doing so, require my services.”                          ~ Queen “B” of doing business better

“It’s okay to not know, it’s never okay to remain ignorant of something willfully, when the opportunity presents both a need to know and a method to know.”  Kimberly Davis