HOW you do Business IS EVERYTHING – 3

One of the primary reasons for an entrepreneur beginning his or her business is having the ability to conduct business as he or she pleases.  It’s not uncommon to have likes and dislikes about the way a company handles business.  Many are the business men and women who began business to improve or capitalize on the things that his or her competitors were not doing or doing well.  However, building ‘ANYTHING’ on the foundation of, a dislike, isn’t wise; neither is it a solid foundation for anything to stand.  Building requires one to have strategic thoughts, ideas and concepts that will ensure longevity!  It means one must have a method or an order of operations that generates, develops better product, conditions and/or services.

Beginning as an entrepreneur, being self-employed the ideas for handling business are in one place, one head – Yours (the entrepreneur).  The smaller a thing is, the less planning it requires.  So in the beginning of your business, one may decide to whom to market the business, how to market, how much to spend, at what time to market, how to bill, when to bill, when to collect, how long to wait before collecting, etc…  This list could go on and on.  Basically every thought to running the business is yours and yours alone to decide, change and do as one goes along.  However, a good business should begin small but real planning means ensuring it will not stay small!  To that end, business plans are a requirement.

Growing anything can’t be done just in one’s own head.  If you are self-employed and want to remain that way, continue conducting business in your head, but to grow anything beyond one’s self means having a plan of action, strategic implementation, tactics, additions, policy & procedures and methods all in writing for development.  You can’t expect people to know what is in your head or hang around you long enough to know your thoughts!  That’s not business!

Additionally, a great entrepreneur is a student of business learning from the experiences of the past, being knowledgeable in the present and always studying, investigating and looking for opportunities for the future.  To simply conduct business according to one’s own knowledge isn’t wise.  Learn from the best of the best especially if it is a company with which you plan to compete against.  It’s not enough to know what you do not like but one must understand why the policy or action is enforced.  There are some methods and practices that an employee view isn’t enough.  Excellent students learn how to sit in the chair of ownership and authority to evaluate BEFORE deciding whether it is appropriate or reprehensible.  Knowledge is responsibility and applied knowledge is power.

Businesses begin small to save overhead and so as to not overspend or waste money.  Beginning small isn’t the same thing as thinking small.  A wise entrepreneur begins alone with plans to end at the top but not alone.

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Queen “B” of doing business better