I often find myself in talks with people about business, entrepreneurs and the success of business people. Most people tend to think that entrepreneurs have shortcuts, secrets to their success. They rush off to seminars trying to figure out the secrets and of course looking for the shortcut! I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating, “the thing about shortcuts is that one is never enough” ~ Kimberly Davis Shortcuts taken anywhere eliminates the knowledge that only process can provide. However, this doesn’t stop people from seeking them. They want it all and they want it now!
In business, shortcuts lead to embarrassment and at a minimum losing all that you tried to gain. I can’t say worked for, because work ethic isn’t involved with shortcuts. However, you get the picture? That’s the minimum worse possible scenario is that you lose it all just as fast as you gained it, but the worst is that some mistakes can cost one his or her freedom. Yep prison time.
Financial mistakes due to ignorance are no excuse for the law. You’re required to know about payroll and payroll taxes. It’s not enough to say, “I didn’t know”. That’s the downfall of entrepreneurs that try to do it all or try to hire people that don’t know so that they can pay them less or not-at-all. You know the husband who tell his wife to do the books when that’s not her job. Or the entrepreneur that says, I’m going to make time and put those receipts in myself, not knowing that receipts are okay, but bank statements are verifiable.
The entrepreneur that pays for his business plan and then finds his or herself in trouble or with a challenge and because he or she never read the contingence plan has no idea how to get out of the predicament or solve the problem. Shortcuts! Rather than expand my team and add experts, the entrepreneur decides to do it all or half do it all! EVERYONE needs help!
Instead of rushing to the next seminar to get the secrets of success, Elite Expert is a consulting/bookkeeping company with over 25 years of proven success in diverse industries. Do business right, Do business better! Call today, currently accepting motivated and serious clients only! 214-930-5986.