I’m not known as the Queen “B” for nothing!  The “B” stands for business, the Queen of doing business better.  Consultations with me develop into teaching and strategic planning.  It’s something I do well.  The key is, understanding what you do well, doing it well so as to employ other people that can help bring your vision to life.  It’s the way jobs are developed, careers are built AND entrepreneurs flourish. 

Let’s just say you have a gift for construction, doing hair, photography, marketing, staging of houses or maintenance; you know what you do, how to do it and how to do it well.  However, in building your business, you find out soon that you need more than your knowledge to make that business a success.  You may need to hire people (creating jobs) great, but how do I do that?!  Did you know that hiring people means:

  • Payroll
  • Payroll taxes
  • Time sheets
  • Calculations
  • Handbook
  • Rules
  • Job Descriptions
  • Methods for reviewing performance
  • Cash flow for payroll?

That’s just from your end as the employer/entrepreneur turned business owner AND this is just one example.

Let’s say you do the business alone, still you must have a system for billing/invoicing your clients or customers, a system for accounts payable that protects and monitors your cash flow, a system for inputting data (revenues and expenses), reconciliation of all bank and credit cards and then review the information on a regular basis to monitor the profitability of your business.  We didn’t even discuss sales, which is the life of any business.  It doesn’t matter what you do, you must sell yourself or product to others to be successful.

HAVE I MADE YOUR HEAD SPIN JUST A LITTLE?!  You cannot do it all and neither should you attempt to do so. 

Entrepreneurs need people sometimes employees and other times other entrepreneurs.  Trying to do it all means running out of time and time is money!

Elite Expert Business Solutions is your complete accounting department.  Providing the quality accountings services your company needs to thrive at affordable rates with a convenience that your company needs to survive.

CALL TODAY and let’s do Business Better!