THE OTHER SIDE OF MONEY??????????????????????

When I hear statements about, “the other side of money”, I know that they come from people who do not have money!  What other side?  I’ve heard this mentioned over a million times with during inspirational speeches as the presenter attempts to sign me up for a pyramid program that really isn’t a pyramid scheme right?  Wink * wink *  They stand at the front of the room, the talk about this amazing program and how it has changed their life.  They look successfully but are they? 

It is a beautiful thing to think about being wealthy, to be rich and when they present the idea, the presenter tends to discuss traveling, vacationing, working when you get ready and just enjoying life and from where you may sit that sound dreamy and very real.  After all, there may be someone you know who seems to enjoy their life in that manner?  The key word is, ‘seems to’.  No one that is wealthy is worry-free.  That’s myth #1!  EVERYONE has problems, obstacles, challenges and/or situations to overcome.   Their problems are on another level so instead of problems that could be solve with hundreds of dollars, their problems require thousand, millions, multi-millions!  Believe it or not, their problems aren’t always about money just like your problems aren’t all about money! 

If you’ve ever had the privilege and it is a privilege to be in the presence of a wealthy and influential person, you will soon learn it’s their work ethic, their mindset, the way that they view money, the way that they strategically disburse it, the way their mind works in ensuring that each dollar released is replenished that separate them from those who have and those who have-not!  Yes it’s a privilege, not because they are rich and that makes them better, but we grow through exposure to the things, ideas and concepts.  Without exposure to the possibility of new things, we would remain the same forever, never growing, never believing we can have more or achieve more things!   Wealthy people do not flaunt it and there is no such thing as a place to where money isn’t managed!  Isn’t that the dream the presenter is sharing with you?  A place where you don’t have to worry about bills.. etc…  BULLCORN!  You don’t have to worry about bills now, stop creating bills you cannot pay!  Guess what?  Worries over!

This is not to sound cynical but the purpose is to expand your mindset into understanding real wealth, to having the ability to lay hold on real success and not the fairy tale ideas that people present.  I’ve had the pleasure of working for very wealthy people and they count every dollar!  In fact, most of them are very frugal! The employees drove better cars than they did, however those employees were working for a check while the owner was creating additional monies in multiple places. 

I guess, simply put, the other side of money…….where is that place?  It doesn’t exist.  You cannot retain things that you aren’t a good manager over.  My grandmother used to say, “them that’s got can always get.”  I was always like huh?  The English was grammatically incorrect but the concept was on point!  Money is a magnet and it is attracted to those that have it!  You know why?  Because a good steward knows not only how to manage what he or she has, but how to turn it into what he or she needs and creating the lifestyle he or she desires!  It’s a mindset!  If your dollars have to be on display with your material acquisitions, well you will always be a slave to both money and your things.  However, if you can sacrifice for a season, build, set a plan, create income, create opportunities or just seize some of the opportunities that lay before you every day then you can achieve and reach that other side of money!  It’s not what you think either!  It’s not lack of worries, it’s increase of knowledge, it’s maturity, it’s understanding money in its proper place and most importantly it is using the gifts God gave you to achieve a level of success and to in turn pass that knowledge on for generations to come!  DON’T JUST LEAVE THEM WITH THE MONEY AND NOT THE KNOWLEDGE/DRIVE to retain what they have gained!

Going back to that presenter who is selling on the dream life.  Remember he put up the slides of homes, cars, vacations and as soon as you bought the idea, the first thing he does is says, well you have to work to get to that place.  How many times have you signed up for the dream and became discouraged on the steps it took or would take to reach that other side of money? LOL LOL   Imagine if you used the same methods to build your own dream and not pay money to join another person’s idea?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm